Trojan_ZipFormat details

  • Description

    from the doc: ' When unzipping the it will cause the Carrage return to format the C: Drive. pretty lame, but i dont think no one ever made a zip virus and just thought it would be a new concept. Note: You can add files, and zipcomments to the zip without getting infected, its only rigged for when it is being extracted. The zipfile is currently empty, Add files in it by typing PKZIP TROJAN.ZIP *.* be sure to rename the zip file or it will look suspicous of course. If you would like to try it out assign your C: to your A: by typeing ASSIGN C: A: I Know this trojan is very lame, but it works, And can be very useful for bbs's that automatically unzip and scan or viruses, because once he exits dos and hits a key, bang!, ok well thats it!'

  • Alias

    Zip Trojan V1.o1