Popular CMS

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Here is a list of popular CMS packages.

WordPress (53.2985%) Joomla! (8.8059%) Drupal (7.2742%) Builder (3.0374%) Magento (2.4804%) TYPO3 (2.4752%) CMS (1.4030%) PrestaShop (1.3055%) Shopify (1.2776%) Magazine3 (1.2515%) Manager (1.0357%) FrontPage (0.9626%) Tidy (0.9434%) concrete5 (0.7537%) Websitebuilder (0.6075%) WebPlus (0.5500%) Sharepoint (0.5309%) filter (0.5065%) Sitefinity (0.4961%) Sitebuilder (0.4717%) MYOB (0.4595%) DNN (0.4491%) Studio (0.3655%) HubSpot (0.3534%) Ghost (0.3220%) WebSphere (0.3116%) editor (0.2889%) Bluefish (0.2855%) Evolution (0.2785%) simple (0.2385%) SEOSimple (0.2315%) Pro (0.2245%) SilverStripe (0.2245%) eCommerce (0.2211%) Engine (0.1862%) GoLive (0.1775%) SEOGenerator (0.1775%) Fusion (0.1706%) RapidWeaver (0.1688%) UmiCMS (0.1480%) Maker (0.1445%) vBulletin (0.1427%) MediaWiki (0.1410%) Producer (0.1358%) HAL (0.1340%) DanaCMS (0.1236%) Cartel (0.1218%) Webnode (0.1218%) Web2Date (0.1166%) SPIP (0.0975%) Plone (0.0957%) CMSimple (0.0940%) Discuz (0.0923%) Z-Blog (0.0836%) TextMate (0.0783%) Dreamweaver (0.0783%) Notepad (0.0783%) OpenOffice (0.0783%) Netscape (0.0766%) Dynamicweb (0.0766%) CoffeeCup (0.0748%) Word (0.0714%) WebEditor (0.0714%) Blogger (0.0714%) DokuWiki (0.0696%) Webshop (0.0661%) getLiveEdit (0.0627%) EditPlus (0.0609%) Contenido (0.0574%) BBEdit (0.0574%) Umbraco (0.0574%) InstantCMS (0.0574%) Matrix (0.0557%) Publish (0.0557%) Writer (0.0540%) 3 (0.0522%) Type (0.0522%) Sitoo (0.0487%) EPiServer (0.0453%) CM4All (0.0418%) xtCommerce (0.0418%) WebBaukasten (0.0418%) Directory (0.0400%) MojoPortal (0.0400%) e107 (0.0400%) TieredWorks (0.0383%) EasySiteWizard (0.0383%) Fiona (0.0366%) Textpattern (0.0348%) Mambo (0.0313%) Domino (0.0313%) SmartEtailing (0.0296%) Quick.Cms (0.0279%) ECSHOP (0.0279%) Tonight (0.0279%) SiteGrinder (0.0261%) ShopFactory (0.0261%) 10 (0.0261%) Geany (0.0261%) RoboHELP (0.0261%) PHP-Nuke (0.0244%) kED (0.0244%) SiteEdit (0.0226%) xtcModified (0.0191%) b2evolution (0.0191%) TOWeb (0.0191%) Serendipity (0.0191%) PageMill (0.0174%) Podbean (0.0174%) WebManager (0.0174%) Piwigo (0.0174%) Systems (0.0174%) EzGenerator (0.0157%) webydo (0.0157%) XOOPS (0.0157%) WebsiteBaker (0.0139%) Polopoly (0.0139%) Contrexx (0.0139%) Acappella (0.0139%) IronPoint (0.0139%) Litium (0.0139%) SmartWeb (0.0139%) E-monsite (0.0139%) Snowfire (0.0139%) LogiVert (0.0122%) WebsPlanet (0.0122%) Tianfeng (0.0122%) DedeCMS (0.0122%) iShop (0.0122%) Amaya (0.0122%) Croogo (0.0122%) PHPwCMS (0.0122%) Moya (0.0122%) Notatnik (0.0122%) WebsoziCMS (0.0104%) SiteVision (0.0104%) Tank (0.0104%) LimeSurvey (0.0104%) Lightroom (0.0104%) Page (0.0104%) GuppY (0.0104%) iloapp (0.0104%) Publisher (0.0104%) ShopEx (0.0104%) Oxatis (0.0104%) Shop (0.0104%) Lemon (0.0104%) Kirra (0.0104%) PostNuke (0.0104%) Sefrengo (0.0087%) BlueVoda (0.0087%) XpressEngine (0.0087%) PivotX (0.0087%) GC5 (0.0087%) CuteHTML (0.0087%) ePublic (0.0087%) Zajaczek (0.0087%) Danneo (0.0087%) SchoolSitePro (0.0070%) 2 (0.0070%) JetShop (0.0070%) Koha (0.0070%) CosMoS (0.0070%) SWsoft (0.0070%) 123Webshop (0.0070%) Magnolia (0.0070%) Storenvy (0.0070%) Ziber (0.0070%) Plus (0.0070%) CorelDRAW (0.0070%) Prontus (0.0070%) Arachnophilia (0.0070%) kimsQ-RB (0.0070%) iloblog (0.0070%) SiteCore (0.0070%) Woosh (0.0070%) HAPedit (0.0070%) edito (0.0052%) Condeon (0.0052%) Pegboard (0.0052%) IZICMS (0.0052%) SiteExecutive (0.0052%) TigerCMS (0.0052%) Bliss (0.0052%) iKISS (0.0052%) Edition (0.0052%) System (0.0052%) PhotoImpact (0.0052%) e-Grip (0.0052%) WebGUI (0.0052%) phpWebSite (0.0052%) BrowserCMS (0.0052%) PINT (0.0052%) Creator (0.0052%) webVanilla (0.0052%) Eclipse (0.0052%) Webstyle (0.0052%) Unisite (0.0052%) DynaMaster (0.0052%) pragmaMx (0.0052%) IziSpot (0.0035%) Zikula (0.0035%) Q4 (0.0035%) SiteSet (0.0035%) OpenACS (0.0035%) OpenX (0.0035%) WebExpert (0.0035%) Starweb (0.0035%) WebCreator (0.0035%) StarOffice (0.0035%) LCMS (0.0035%) Arcadina (0.0035%) SeamlessCMS (0.0035%) IdeaLever.CM (0.0035%) CM (0.0035%) Business (0.0035%) Workroom (0.0035%) FreeFormEditor (0.0035%) sitemanage (0.0035%) InfoGlue (0.0035%) Antenna (0.0035%) SiteDirect (0.0035%) WebWriter (0.0035%) DSpace (0.0035%) Mango (0.0035%) Onxshop (0.0035%) PoppCMS (0.0017%) dimX (0.0017%) TSI24 (0.0017%) TextWrangler (0.0017%) Textcube (0.0017%) EyePublish (0.0017%) CommunityServer (0.0017%) Eport (0.0017%) CustomPublish (0.0017%) Joostina (0.0017%) DigiStoff (0.0017%) onpublix (0.0017%) ProsePoint (0.0017%) iPyramid (0.0017%) profiSUBMIT (0.0017%) FirstSpirit (0.0017%) WiseCMS (0.0017%) cms3 (0.0017%) webbuilder (0.0017%) KeyPublisher (0.0017%) gCMS (0.0017%) StartadminHU (0.0017%) EdHTML (0.0017%) CastManage (0.0017%) contentXXL (0.0017%) Loaded (0.0017%) AceHTML (0.0017%) Cmsbox (0.0017%) brain-GeoCMS (0.0017%) CanalBlog (0.0017%) 5 (0.0017%) MyCMS (0.0017%) MKPortal (0.0017%) SWiSHmax (0.0017%) iPSo (0.0017%) Scite (0.0017%) Cornerstone (0.0017%) KingEshop (0.0017%) Scribe! (0.0017%) Animato (0.0017%) Public4u (0.0017%) Website (0.0017%) Windows (0.0017%) JohnCMS (0.0017%) Manifo (0.0017%) Ninja (0.0017%) UltraEdit (0.0017%) cms2day (0.0017%) SCMS2 (0.0017%) V2 (0.0017%) Ensemble (0.0017%) ItemaCMS (0.0017%) ClubWeb (0.0017%) EN-Press (0.0017%) CyberStudio (0.0017%) Homepage (0.0017%) eWay (0.0017%) ePilot (0.0017%) InfoSite (0.0017%)