Spamacidal details

  • Description

    from the doc: 'InTroDucTiOn: Ok, not much to say here. SpaMaCidAL 1.0 Is a BetA VeRsIOn TroJaN BatCH FilE CreaToR. This is one of my personal files I wrote for myself, that I decided to release to the Public. Its not a bad Program ThinK, CoulD Be Better Though. BuT i'm getting sick of Seeing the same files on every web page I visit. So here's something New and Fresh. SpaMaCidAL 1.0!USES: ThiS MakEs TroJaN BatCh FilEs, AlsO HaS a OptioN Of AutO CompIlinG To CoM FilES. YoU MusT HavE Bat2ExeC in YouR PaTh Or In tHe DiR To UsE ThiS FeaTurE. FeeL Free To Modify AnD Add MorE CoDe To ThE FilEs You GeNerAtE, BuT PLEASE dON'T TakE My naME oFf Of thE FiLeS!!'

  • Exe
