Snakes Proxy Server 1_03 Build 0013 details

  • Description

    Snake's Socks Proxy, Supporting TCP/UDP Proxy. !!!!! and Middle Proxy Connection(Max 255 Middle Proxy).!!! Running: Exe File is [SkSockServer enu.exe]ú¼it Run as system service under WinNT, and does not show as any windows, provided socksv5 proxy service on port 1813, for Middle Proxy Connection.. [More Function]: SkSockServerV1.03 Add run directly, without installing: Command Input: SkSockServer enu -Debug [New Port] Result: System Run, and till it receive Ctrl+C, now, the machine provided socksv5 proxy, and as middle proxy.:) SkSockServerV1.06 add config service's param at command lineíú show/config current port, starttype, enable client IP, remote middle proxy setting. c:> SkSockServer -config show === [show all config] c:> SkSockServer -config port === [show/config port] c:> SkSockServer -config StartType === [show/set starttype] c:> SkSockServer -config client [add/del] === [show/add/delete client ip] c:> SkSockServer -config SkServer [add/del] === [show/add/delete pass skserver] Config program SockServerCfg.exe V1.04 add chanaging skserver's seqeuence function. SkSERVER function drawing:

  • Alias

    / / / /

  • Dll