Sharft 1_1 details

  • Description

    From the doc: '1. Type in your victim's number to his/her text-messenging enabled - cellphone. Country Code (select from list at top) Area Code Phone Number 2. Type in your message and ICQ info to have the app log into that ICQ account and send the messages from there. *Note: Your ICQ UIN will not be displayed on any of the messages sent to the victim.* 3. Type in your number of bombs to send (1-1000). Hit 'Test' to send 1 message to the cellphone typed into the number blanks. Hit 'Start' to begin the bombing; Hit 'Stop' to kill the process.'

  • Alias

    Flooder Program [Panda]Flooder.SMS.Sharft.10 [Kaspersky]Flooder.SMS.Sharft.11 [Kaspersky]SMSFlood [McAfee]

  • Exe
