SA Downloader Lite details

  • Description

    1.0: From the doc: 'Its very easy to use, just type in the address of the thing you want to download and SA does the rest. It generates a new server and automatically packs it (server size ~ 6 kb) Dont worry! your web address is safe because it is encrypted into the server. The server has no FW/AV killing or melting because it was made to be as small as it could.'1.1: From the doc: '(Simpe Ass) downloader simply run the editor, select the server and click the read button. Set the file of where to download from. Dont forget the http! the file can be what ever extention you want it to be since it will rename it to exe once it has been downloaded.This is useful since some free hosts dont allow certain file types to be uploaded. All downloads goto the root directory and is deleted upon execution packed with UPX it comes out to be ~7kb'

  • Alias


  • Exe
