Rewind FTP Server 1_0 details

  • Description

    Rewind FTP Server - 1.0 Copy FTP.EXE in the Windows Dir and Execute it. FTP is unvisible and undetectable by AV Proggis. After Start up it opens the Port 28 for File Transfer with all Standart FTP Clients like WS-FTP-Light and others. FTP.EXE starts with every Windows Boot up. In this Package it contains the needen DLL and OCX Components. In Future its possible to upgrade the FTP server by simply copying a small File in the Windows Dir. You can Use Rewind FTP and Rewind at the same Time, so you can watch the Vics Screen while you are UP or DOWN loading Files. I testet Rewind FTP on all Windows Versions and it works. For this Release there is a Restriction : You can ONLY Up/Download and Execute Files on Drive C: (I had not much time to Code it - but in the next Release youll have full Access to all Drives) Have much Fun ;)