Next Generation Virus Construktion Kit details

  • Description

    From the doc: 'generates Win32 PE Infectors. All created viruses are completely different in structure and opcode. This makes it impossible to catch all variants with one or more scanstrings.'As you will see here, it took a long time until I finished this thing ;( This is because i have to study, see my girlfriend and to work.. and sometimes i just need some spare time to get drunk =)But at the moment i try to release a newer version every week. If it says i fixed a bug in a routine, this means i had an error in a generated virus and fixed the bug inside the creation module of the specific routine.Until now, all versions are BETA !!! Keep this in mind please At the moment I generate as many viruses as possible and try to fix all bugs. Just when I find no more in a large amount of generated viruses, I will add new options.The most bugs i am fixing at the moment are created by malplaced trashcode, or just appear very seldom, and are therefore hard to detect.. but I'll get em =)*Version 0.25 - 18-05-2001 Removed the SEH part and put Antidebugging and Anti Bait together Fixed 2 bugs in the find files routine Fixed a bug inside the encryption routine And got another on inside the infection routine. ... two inside the Api Find RoutineSlowly i got the impression, someone is sneeking every night into my room and adding newer bugs :P*Version 0.24 - 11-05-2001 I found a lot this time, don't know wheter it is good, because i found the bugs, or bad, because this means all releases before just suck.. :P Fixed 3 bugs in the find files routines, 2 bugs in the encryption routines, 2 bugs in the api search routine. And one bug each in the api found, anti soft ice check and anti bait check routines. Never give me asm code in the night and ask me to debug it please =)*Version 0.23 - 07-05-2001 Fixed a bug in the Delta Handle routine Fixed a bug in the movRegisterValue routine Fixed malplaced comments*Version 0.22 MTX#3 Release - 19-02-2001 Just minor changes, I got no time at the moment :( University means lots of work...*Version 0.21 - 31-01-2001 Removed some really stupid bugs from the encryption routine and made it more variable. I also added an SEH anti debugging trick and included some trash code to make it more variable.*Version 0.20 - 16-01-2001 I added encryption ( even if it is not completely random ), but just simple algorithms, nothing with a key, but XOR and SUB/ADD will follow soon =) Hope I can do this till friday, so I can give out a first beta to some ppl. Every opcode except the ones in the crypt routines are random, so no simple scanstring can be choosen. But the ones inside the crypt routine will be made variable too.*Version 0.14 - 08-01-2001 Ok, there are round about 99percent of the opcodes random ( they can be replaced by another ), the few others are either "ret"s ( which i will replace tomorrow ) or an instruction, with at least one random parameter ( register / offset / constant ), so there are maybe 20 Bytes static, but these are always at a different place and in a different order, so I think they will not make a reliable scanstring... ;) But I will remove them too... But first I want to add some other viral tricks ( anti-debugging, anti-bait, encryption ) which the user might select to include. ( This will also change the behavior of the viruses )*Version 0.13 - 25-12-2000 Ok, now 3/4 are completely random, will continue with the rest...*Version 0.12 - 18-12-2000 The output is now ok, and understandable ;) I added a lot of comments and formatted them. Got not much time at the moment to work on the engine itself, because I still got to find some x-mas presents and i got more work at university. So I just worked over 1/4 of the current engine to make it more variable, but till now, I found at least one replacement for every opcode and structure inside the 3 modules.*Version 0.10 - 13-13-2000 The Kit works stable ! All generated Viruses work, infect the current and ( if choosen ) the windows and system directory. I will now read some poly tutors and papers to improve the randomness of it, and made some improvements of the really crappy output-design ;)*Version 0.02 - 11-12-2000 Most generated viruses work ! ( so I hope I can finish this basis of the kit this week ) I found out that the Digital Hackers' Alliance Randomized Encryption Generator [DREG] which was created by Gothmog/DHA also tried to create viruses this way. Due to the fact that all samples from him get detected, I'll try to give my best to avoid this ;) I will take a look at his VCK and hope to learn from his output. ( heh, Gothmog, if you are still around, give me a call.. :P )*Version 0.00 - 20-11-2000 Generates simple Win32 Viruses NOP is the only trash instruction lot's of bugs ;(

  • Alias

    Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.023 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.024 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.032 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.033 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.035 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGVCK.036 [Kaspersky]Constructor.Win32.NGV

  • Exe
