Nag Buster details

  • Description

    from the doc: 'NAG-BUSTER is a utility that removes those 'naggy' windows that tend to pop up at program entry, randomly or during program exit. These windows contain information and requests that should have been placed in a readable file included in the package rather than inside the program. By removing them, you will be able to evaluate a program more or less identical to the program you will receive after you have paid for it. Normally, all naggy windows are subject to great irritation rather than information, and the user will not even try the program because of this, and this effect is not satisfactory for either the programmer nor the user.Some programs contain delays connected to these windows in which the user sometimes has to wait for up to 90 seconds before the program continues running. Other programs contain hidden 'bombs' that is able to crash a machine if the code has been altered in any way.NAG-BUSTER enters your program files and patches them in order to remove (or bypass) the nags on a permanen basis.'

  • Exe
