MRA Rat 1_0 details

  • Description

    From the doc: 'Coded In Australia ! Run These Commands Too Your Victim By Typing The Following Commands Too Him. Msn Commands #popup - pops up victims nick 4 times #nicksuck - makes victims name kick me and pops it up #crash - crashes victims msn Other Commands #opened - opens victims cd #closed - closes victims cd #hidetask - hides victims task bar #showtask - shows victims task bar Keylogger / Password Commands #end - this command tricks the victim thinking it will end the RAT but it doesn't it loggs them off and when they come back online type #gp their password will be sent to you. it could also include text like enter and stuff this means they pressed enter ! note : if the victim has saved his password then it will not be sent to you ! #kl - when you type this what the victim has typed in the last 28 seconds will be sent down the IM so you can see it but they cant see that you are seeing what they have typed ! it refreshes what they type every 28 seconds ! MRA Rat will copy too the registry and run as a process.'

  • Exe

    rat server.exe

  • Registry

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionunwindows security