Mind Control details

  • Description

    from the doc: 'This is a TROJAN donot run the Server that is what you use to send to people to connect to there computers You use the CLIENT only un less you want to infect ur Computer with the Server and open your computer to the TROJAN !WHAT YOU NEED TO RUN THIS IS! the persons IP address. To get this easy IP address just send the Server and RE NAME IS SOMTHING so they dont know use AIM to send it and it is uploading open up MS-DOS its in ur START MENU you find it and type in it "NETSTAT" and look for the IP listed there if more then one is listed just use them all till one connects you also need THE VB RUNTIME FILES if you dont know what they are Look up them on Google and download them form .dll download sites Rember this is just to have fun with dont MISS use it if you do you can get in DEEP SHIT'

  • Alias


  • Exe

    0237b8e2.exe3cb9d783.exef3ce2c68.exemind control server.exemind control.exemindcontrol7client.exe