MagicLink details

  • Description

    from the doc: - Server will automatically link to client for you to control. (You needn't specifly a server's IP to connect.) - Control a computer which is inside a lan from outside lan - Contols almost all PCs everywhere - support DNS, FTP, Email magiclink, either will do Detail... what's MagicLink technique Common remote connection is to specify a IP to connect to a remote PC. If you don't know the IP or the remote PC is inside a Lan, you can't access thePC forever. MagicLink is a technique that you needn't specify IP to connect to a remote computer which has installed a server. As the server will automatically connect to your client. Using MagicLink, you can control a computer which is inside a lan from outside the lan, you just enter the "search" button, all of your servers will appear in the list for you to connect and manage. Features Can run in Spy mode. Detail... realtime remote desktop monitor and control file resuming transfer and file compress transfer Easy to access almost all PCs everywhere through MagicLink technique. Secure and convenient to control the server computer. One client can own limitless server. Filesystem manage, Desktop magnage, system manage 'end 'M$N Corruption.exe' to your victim (we recomend you rename it). if your not sure they have opened it type ':P:P' (recomended that you do this anyway). once you have done that Type /commands in you victims IM Convo. Commands: /nickname Changes nickname (example, /nickname I'm a gay twat!) /flood Nickname Flood /online Sets status to Online /invisibl Sets status to Appear Offline /brb Sets status to Be Right Back /away Sets status to Away /busy Sets status to Busy /out to lunch Sets status to Out to Lunch /on the phone Sets status to On the Phone /logoff Logs victim off M$N Corruption has built in invisible file transfer... Once you have sent your victim a file tpe && to open the file (EXE) /delete Deletes file(s) (example, /delete c:windows*.*) /run Run file(s) (example, /run c:windowsfileusent.exe) /mass Mass Message (example, /mass I'm Gay!) /onlinecontact Get all victims online contacts /deleteall Delete all contacts /addalldeleted Add All Deleted contacts /add add a contact (Example, /add [email protected]) /block Block a contact (Example, /block [email protected]) /unblock UnBlock a contact (Example, /unblock [email protected]) /remove Remove a contact (Example, (/remove [email protected]) /invite Invite a contact into current conversation (Example, /invite [email protected]) /disableall Disable all incoming messages /enableall Enable all incoming messages'

  • Alias

    Backdoor.CmjSpy.13Backdoor.CmjSpy.16Backdoor.Cmjspy.24Backdoor.Cmjspy.25.bBackdoor.CmjSpy.aBackdoor.CmjSpy.bBackdoor.CmjSpy.cBackdoor.CMJSpy.qBackdoor.MagicLink.14 Backdoor.MagicLink.20Backdoor.MagicLink.21.bBackdoor.MagicLink.21.cGeneric BackDoor trojan

  • Exe

    77f0f95c.exebackdoor.cmjspy.24.exem$n corruption.exemagic link.exemagiclink15.exemagiclinktrial.exe-║+┐+++ª.exeserver.exeWindowssystemmagic.exeWindowssystemmagiclink.exe

  • Dll


  • Registry

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionunmagic link server