Joker details

  • Description

    1.0 From the doc: 'Autostartfunktion - IGMP-Remotenuker - kopiert sich eigenstõndig ins das Windows-hauptverzeichnis und legt dort eine Kopie von sich an, die dann mittels Autostart bei jedem Neustart gestartet wird. - Der Name der EXE ist egal, wenn sie sich entschlie▀en die 'Joker.exe' in 'ABC.exe' umzubenennnen und dann den anderen Rechner mit der umbenannten EXE infizieren, wird sich Joker auch unter diesem Namen in das Windowsverzeichnis kopieren, z.B. 'c:Win98ABC.exe' - Joker hat in der jetzigen Version Probleme mit WinNT/2000' 1.1: from the doc: 'Joker is not designed to use it for attacks, it is designed to show you, how easy it is to flood a network which is not protected by a good con- figurated Firewall, it sends its IGMP-Packets through most firewalls I know (like Zone-Alert, Lockdown, etc.[some bad configured linux firewalls too]). It was built for by Gentleman, based upon knowledge of a lot other Tools (most under a lot different Nicknames with lot groups). A Linux-Client was built in C++ but is not included in the Packet yet. Feel free to build other Clients or other Server-Variants, if you want to do it, I saw a few other Clients based upon this code, like Natoks code for NT-Telnet and so on. It would be nice if you would send me your variants and codes, so I could include it in the next packages. You can view Jokers protocol in english or in german in the two txt-files please contact me if you want to create a protocol-modification.'

  • Alias


  • Exe
