Fake AOL details

  • Description

    From the doc: 'Hey guys, u just downloaded a fake AOL program. It looks identical to the AOL 7.0 sign on screen. When the person types his/her username and password, it gets logged to C:aolpass.txt. Steps: 1. Open the program. 2. Type in the username and passsword. 3. Click 'sign on' 4. You will get a fake error saying it couldnt connect to the AOL network. 5. When your friend/enemy has left the room, go to ur C: drive and there will be a text file called Aolpass. Open it and you will see all usernames and passwords that have been typed into the fake AOL prog. Try it out for yourself first. Make up a username and password and hit sign on. Then do it again with a diff name. No matter how many times you do it, the log file will store all of them.'

  • Alias

    Trojan Horse [Panda]Trojan.PSW.AIM.SignOn [Kaspersky]Win32.PSW.AimSignOn [Computer Associates]Win32/FakeAOL!PWS!Trojan [Computer Associates]

  • Exe

    sign on.exe