Dial-Up Trojan details

  • Description

    Steals UNIs (User Network Identification). from the doc: 'The main purpose of this is to steal the UNIs (User Network Identification), you know, the password and username to acess the Internet of the victim. The trojan is a bogus Dial-up window that imitates the IE5 one, well you┤ll not note the difference!!! I┤m planning to do the IE4 and IE5beta ones but will see about that later! So, you┤ll need to upload some files to the victim computer. For you to upload the files the program needs to run, the victim needs to be infected with a backdoor like TheThing (by Blade), Subseven (by mobman), BO, or Netbus,... with the upload and spawn capabilities!!'

  • Alias

    destructive program [F-Prot]PWS-CG [McAfee]Trj/PSW.DUT [Panda]Trojan.PSW.DUT [Kaspersky]Win32/DUT!PWS!Trojan [Computer Associates]

  • Exe
