Delf_kc details

  • Description

    from the doc: '*tips: - dont forget to try internal servers FTP server on port 21 (demo settings), please use Total Commander as FTP server and when connected dont forget to try HELP and DIR commands! - internal settings cannot be changed :) - in this demo version is no global notification, so dont worry, you can test howerver you want, noone will be notified except you (see setting below - SIN notify to - UDP notification works only for host (demo version) - process and files hiding works (not on 2k3 - this is fixed in new fully version) - dont forget - FTP server's not anonymous, user and password are: user, password :) - demo presets... - on 2k3 is not working remove server, after remove you must kill "trojan.exe" process in taskmanager and everything will be removed... [fixed in fully v.1.98]'

  • Exe
