BonziBuddy details

  • Description

    Close the Bonzi Buddy Program. Click on Bonzi and say "Goodbye" to close him. Next, Right-click on the dollar sign icon next to your clock and choose "Exit." Close the little dollar sign icon on the system tray. Now click on Start > Programs > BonziBUDDY > Uninstall BonziBUDDY Bargain Hunting Tool and allow the uninstall program to finish. Let the uninstall program remove the shared files. Go to Start > Programs > BonziBUDDY > Uninstall BonziBUDDY and allow the uninstall program to complete. Let the uninstall program remove the shared files. Do a file search, and type bonzi. Delete all files that show up. Run a registry cleaner and remove all references to Bonzi Buddy. Restart your computer.