Bionet details

  • Description

    from the doc:BioNet has the most efficient server available today. With its own Unique file transfer protocol making transfers up to 90percent faster. BioNet has its own unique encryption engine making it one of the safest in the world. We were the first to bring you functions such as ICQ notify , Flip VDU , AOL name stealer. We set the standards that our competitors struggle to keep up. With release 12 we are THE ONLY trojan currently to have a custom CGi notify. We are the only trojan to use an automated email to send you all offline keystrokes when the server comes online. No longer do you have to rely on ICQ to tell you when they are on and no longer do you have to wait for them to come online to download their logs. With broadband comming more widely available the new bionet 3 engine has the capacity to provide a stable platform for high speed data connections with multi threaded file transfer and realtime streaming media. This is where you will see many other existing trojans fail to cope under the strain.Latest UPDATES New to release 18 * Plugin Manager and SDK sample code released (download at You may also find plugins for bionet here. * File upload bug fixed (would not upload large files) * Improved interface * added script functions * DNS lookup tool added * File manager improved * Restart server feature (for loading in your scripts) New to release 17 * more IRC bot functions also changed reply method from notice to tell * TCP Port Redirector * Support for command schedules at server startup / on connect / at a specific time and on specific days. * Enchanced File finder (download ,delete, execute found file). * added PC speaker tunes BioNet 3.08 also has a CGI notify, which allows BioNet to use CGI scripts to do almost anything. This version of BioNet has a schedule command feature. This allows the BioNet server to activate any other feature at certain times. These certain times could be a specific day or time or even when your computer comes online.

  • Alias [where xxx is a 3 digit numbersuch as Backdoor.Bionet.309]

  • Exe

    bionet.exebionet3.19 ger.exebn316up.exebn317up.exebnlite.exebuilder.execlientnt.exedebug.exedebugnt.exeeditor.exegcinet.exeserver.exeserver37.exeservernt.exeserverse.exeserverup.exeserveup.exeunpacked server.exe

  • Dll

    bnfun.dllbnfunup.dllbnplug.dllmsgboxcliplug.dllmsgboxsrvrplug.dllsample.dlluinsvrplug.dllunpacked bnfun.dll