Fast ZIP Cracker details

  • Description

    from the doc: 1.00a 1995/02/02 - Arghhh!! * Corrected two *serious* bugs in the ZIP-load routines. Don't ask, I'll never admit it.1.01 1995/03/09 * Fixed brute-force with password length equal to 1. * Suspend/resume for brute-force. ESC suspends a session and creates a RESUME.FZC file in the current directory. "FZC r" resumes the cracking using this file. * Now FZC sets ERRORLEVEL to 0 if no password found, 1 one or more passwords found, >=100 an error detected. * Press space when in brute-force to view the current try. * Better multitasker support. * Slightly faster. * Added more cracking routines (now FZC chooses the better of 4 routines at run time - varies with CPU/brand/cacheL1/cacheL2). * The FZC variable may be needed in multitasking environments; execute "FZC s" for info. * The "d" (dictionary) command was changed to "w" (wordlist). * Now the words in the wordlist can be in any case (previous versions required them in lowercase). (thanks rogue!) * Re-ordered and changed a little the mutation options: now one of them is "lowercase", for wordlists with words in other cases. Other new options are "lowercase + reversed" and "uppercase + reversed", that transform "fine" (or "fiNE" for that matter) to "enif" and "ENIF" respectively.