Exploit_ICQ_ICQSteal details

  • Description

    from the doc: 'FIRSTLY: Find an ICQ user with a personal homepage webserver running (they will have a little house next to their nick)SECONDLY: Look in info and get their IP address and add it to the ICQ HOMEPAGE HACKER V1.0THIRD: Decide which file you would like to steal ie.to get aotoexec.bat just type autoexec.bat and your browser will open and you just accept the option to download that file. To get win.ini type windows/win.ini, or for user.dat type windows/user.dat , to get system.dat type windows/system.dat etc etc. As long as progs and files are installed in their default locations this will work ok. Last but not least to remotely shut down an icq client telnet to port 80 by going to your start button and then into run then type telnet ipofvictim 80 ie telnet 123.456.789.123 80 then click ok and when it connects type QUIT and hit enter. You should then very shortly see the user drop offline in your list.'

  • Alias


  • Exe
